Arrowhead United Way works for a healthier community
With the number of individuals without health insurance rising, the cost of prescriptions becoming expensive, and the urgency to receive medical attention becoming costly, Arrowhead United Way is working to ensure that members of our community receive health services they need.
Our Strategy
Arrowhead United Way provides resources to help reduce the cost of prescriptions for those who have and who don't have quality insurance. We continue to provide free medical supplies and equipment to any 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We also will continue working to increase awareness about health risks, improve access to healthcare, and encourage healthy behavior.
Our Health Programs
Project M.E.D (Medical Equipment Donations)
Provides FREE medical supplies and equipment to any 501(c)3 non-profit organization. To learn more about how your organization can start receiving FREE medical supplies, please contact Yvlet Tafich at YvletT@ahuw.org.
Project HELP (Help Enhance Lifestyle Package)
Project HELPs mission is to provide individuals in the community with a lifestyle package to enhance their self-esteem, self-confidence, and motivation. A lifestyle package like ours can help any individual who is facing hardship due to misfortune. Our goal is to give them the ability to become self-reliant by providing them with the necessary essentials to enhance their health and body image. Please contact Edwina Barger at Edwinab@ahuw.org for more information regarding Project HELP.
Prom Promises
This one day workshop helps young ladies navigate prom through budgeting, how to dress, self-defense, and the importance of decision making.
Free for everyone - both insured and uninsured. Covers all FDA-approved prescription medications. Easy to use with no registration, activation or restrictions due to pre-existing conditions. In 2016, FamilyWize saved families and individuals in the local community over $50,000 in prescription costs! Click the flyer below or click here to download your FREE card.
Look up the Discount Price for your Medication Here
Health Facts
- More than 33% of children and adolescents are overweight or obese. That’s 25 million kids and teenagers.
- Children with health coverage are better prepared to learn in school and succeed in life.1
- The number of Americans without health insurance has increased steadily since the beginning of the century, now totaling about 47 million. More than 80% are working families.2
- 8.7 million children live without health insurance – more than the total number enrolled in the first and second grades in U.S. public schools.3
1Institute of Medicine. From Neurons to Neighborhood: The Science of Early Childhood Development. Washington DC: National Academies Press, 2000.) 2Employee Benefit Research Institute estimates from the March Current Population Survey, 2007 Supplement. 3Compiled by the State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC), University of Minnesota School of Public Health, using data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey 2007.